We are the Clan Donnachaidh Society of the Rocky Mounatins. We encourage anyone to participate in the celebration of our Scottish heritage. We find the more you get involved and participate in our events and committees, the more enjoyment and fun you will have.
Who is eligible for Society Membership?
Although we like to have our members be ancestrally connected to the clan, our International By-Laws state membership “shall be open to any person interested in its objects, subject to his or her paying the annual or other subscription due. The Society particularly espouses those person who by birth, marriage, or adoption bear the name of Duncan, Reid and Robertson and the names of other accepted septs of the Clan Donnachaidh”.
We in SRM usually have current members sponsor an applicant’s membership. We encourage you to spend time with us, come to some of our gatherings so people get to know you and you get to know us. Membership is applied to any individual that is of 21 years of age and/or a family membership for families (mother, father, and children) with children under the age of 21.
Do I have to prove my ancestry to be a member of a particular Clan?
The Society of the Rocky Mountains does not require “proof” of ancestry although we encourage our members to trace their heritage because it is fun to do and share with each other.
Membership fees:
Local Society Membership Dues: (Individual or Family) $30
Local and International Dues: (Individual) $55 (Family) $65
You have a choice of local Society membership or dual membership with International.
What do my membership fees pay for? What do I get with membership?
Local Membership fees go to paying for the 4 major festival/game booths annaully; for sponsorship of Colorado Tartan Day; to receive Society newsletters; a membership card and voting privileges. International fees go to support the Clan Museum and projects; to receive a copy of the International Clan Annual; membership card, and voting privileges.